Does Furlow Capital screen their guests?
Yes. In addition to background checks and screening done by the hospitals, we have our own third party identity verification and screening vendor.
How does Furlow Capital market its properties?
We advertise our properties directly with hospitals and travel nurse hospitality agencies. We also market them on other third-party mid-term (minimum 30 day stay) rental sites.
Who are Furlow Capital guests, and how long are their typical stays?
Furlow Capital guests are travel nurses who typically stay for three to six months at a time.
Does Furlow Capital have a cleaning team?
After each stay, our professional cleaning team will inspect and clean each property. If a guest stays for an extended period, we encourage them to contact our cleaning crew for regular professional cleans.
Is Furlow Capital a licensed management company?
No. However, a license is not required. Some states require property management firms to operate under a state-approved Real Estate Broker license when “management services are conducted on behalf of the owner for a fee.” In our business model, there is no management fee for the owner.